
Discover the power of authenticity

Imagine a future where every employee, student, and member of the community feels ACCEPTED, respected, and included, able to contribute with their full potential without worrying about having to change their body shape to be VALUED. This future is in your hands.

61% of employees report covering certain aspects of their personality in order to belong and be included in their organization.

The importance of having inclusive environments in companies is becoming increasingly clear every day. The majority of Fortune 500 companies have diversity and inclusion programs regarding race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, or disabilities. However, recognition of diversity in body types and sizes is still not considered, leading to harmful environments and messages surrounding people’s body shapes, which diminish their self-esteem and affect their productivity, physical health, and mental well-being.

In many countries, companies are regulated by laws that require them to provide their employees with a healthy work environment, free from psychosocial risk factors.

In Mexico, it’s regulated by the Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-035 on Psychosocial Risk Factors, and in Spain by the Ley 31/1995 on Prevention of Occupational Risks. A work environment where there are stereotypes about obesity or overweight can result in penalties and fines for the company in case of inspections by the competent labor authorities.

We work to generate a cultural change within your company by eliminating prejudices and stereotypes, while also providing tools for your employees to heal their relationship with food and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

What we can do for your company:

Implementation of the NOM-035

We assist you in implementing NOM-035 on Psychosocial Risk Factors in your company. It’s crucial for your company to comply with the standard and have all the supporting documents required in case of an inspection by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare thus, avoid fines.
You will create a healthy and stress-free environment in your company, contributing to the health and productivity of your employees.

Certification in Body Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are fundamental foundations for fostering a healthy environment for professional growth within your company. We strive to ensure the representation and engagement of every social group in your organization, including individuals of diverse body types and sizes. By doing so, we create an environment that mirrors the diversity of today’s society across all levels of your company, embodying genuine inclusivity.

Certification in Intuitive Eating and Metabolic Health

The buildup of body fat occurs when there’s a prolonged surplus of energy intake compared to expenditure. In simpler terms, a person consumes more calories than their body needs over an extended period. However, the reasons for overeating are multifaceted, influenced by familial, cultural, social, physical, psychological, and emotional factors.

We work to help your employees heal their relationship with food and achieve optimal eating behavior to return to a healthy body weight sustainably, thus avoiding the development of chronic degenerative diseases.

What we can do for your company:

Certification in Body Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are fundamental foundations for fostering a healthy environment for professional growth within your company. We strive to ensure the representation and engagement of every social group in your organization, including individuals of diverse body types and sizes. By doing so, we create an environment that mirrors the diversity of today’s society across all levels of your company, embodying genuine inclusivity.

Certification in Intuitive Eating and Metabolic Health

The buildup of body fat occurs when there’s a prolonged surplus of energy intake compared to expenditure. In simpler terms, a person consumes more calories than their body needs over an extended period. However, the reasons for overeating are multifaceted, influenced by familial, cultural, social, physical, psychological, and emotional factors.

We work to help your employees heal their relationship with food and achieve optimal eating behavior to return to a healthy body weight sustainably, thus avoiding the development of chronic degenerative diseases.

Implementation of the NOM-035

We assist you in implementing NOM-035 on Psychosocial Risk Factors in your company. It’s crucial for your company to comply with the standard and have all the supporting documents required in case of an inspection by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare thus, avoid fines. You will create a healthy and stress-free environment in your company, contributing to the health and productivity of your employees.

Your company can be more than just a workplace.
Discover how!

By prioritizing Body Diversity and the Inclusion of all body types and shapes, you not only enhance morale but also transform your company into a space where productivity and well-being intertwine.

Contact us

To explore how we can collaborate to create an environment where diversity is celebrated in your company

    44% of teenagers and young adults struggle with mental health disorders due to toxic beauty standards on social media. A staggering 9 out of 10 teenagers and young adults compromise their well-being by skipping meals in pursuit of these unrealistic ideals.

    Offering them tools to nurture their body positivity and self-esteem is essential in a world that constantly tells them hey must reshape their bodies to fit into unattainable beauty standards in order to be socially accepted.

    Creating body diverse and inclusive atmospheres, in schools and universities, free from prejudice and harmful messages about people’s body shapes, is essential.

    We develop certifications customized to different school levels, sizes, and configurations, with a focus on preventing and identifying early signs of risky behaviors in teenagers and young adults. We offer training for educators and administrative staff to provide guidance on identifying and addressing issues related to food and students’ body image. We collaborate with the University’s Dining Services to assist them in designing balanced meals and providing students with high-nutritional-content food.

    Do you work in a school, are you a teacher, or a parent who would like your teenager’s school to be certified?

    Let’s talk!

    Contact us today!

    To explore how we can positively impact the lives of adolescents and young adults.