Join our Community Mind your Body and start appreciating your body, because you can’t take care of what you don’t love.



The purpose of this community
“Mind your Body”

The way you relate to food is completely associated with your body appreciation, that is, how much you like your body, how comfortable you feel in your body, and what your experience of inhabiting your own body is like. Have you ever avoided a fun activity because you feel ashamed of your body shape? Or perhaps you have thought that achieving the body shape you desire is the key to also achieving your happiness.

It is essential to have a safe space where we foster the notion that a person’s true beauty lies precisely in what makes them different from others: in their creativity, their authenticity, and what makes them unique. In other words, we place the value of the person in the person themselves and not in the shape of their body or their external appearance.

Mind your Body is a private community created and led by Dr. Monica McArthur, where you will find the comfort you need, along with the information and tools to discover your own creativity, what makes you unique. This will strengthen your self-esteem and appreciation for your body. It’s a supportive space for connecting with other women who are experiencing situations similar to yours, a community where you will be valued for what makes you unique—something that, when you contribute it to the world, makes the world a better place.


How many times a month do you experience this?

You receive an invitation to an event and the first thing you do is worry about what you’re going to wear and think about going on a diet to fit the dress.

You continually touch or look at yourself in the mirror to see if you have lost weight or to confirm how you look.

You exercise only with the aim of losing weight.

You go to the beach with family or friends and refrain from participating in activities because you feel ashamed of your body.

Feeling ashamed of your own body causes significant internal suffering, undermines your self-esteem, and impacts every aspect of your life.

The answer
Working to heal the situations in your life that have damaged your body image—whether they stem from family, cultural, social, or medical issues. Simultaneously, you will work on healing your relationship with food to achieve a sense of fulfillment in life, free from constraints. Group therapy is an invaluable tool in this process.


You will begin to appreciate your body, heal your relationship with food, and learn to enjoy the experience of living in your own body. You will learn to reconnect with your own hunger and fullness signals and become the expert of your own body.

What is included in your Membership


Exclusive access to private Whatsapp group


Book Club


Access to a weekly group session led by Dr. Mónica McArthur



What you will achieve by being part of our community

You will develop a positive self-image.

Conectarás contigo misma, con tus sensaciones físicas y tus emociones, y aprenderás a manejarlas sin tener que usar la comida.

You will connect with yourself, your physical sensations, and your emotions, and learn to manage them without resorting to food.

You will reduce self-criticism and increase your self-esteem.

You will learn coping strategies: acquire new tools to handle negative thoughts and feelings about your body.

You will learn to identify the messages that harm your body image, which we hear all day, everywhere.

You will regain appreciation for your body and your self-confidence. Understand the importance of intuitive movement.

Join Today and Begin Your Journey to Well-being

Transform your life with Mind your Body!

Embark on a new and transformative journey.

In our community, you’ll discover a place of peace and liberation.